19th May 2023
MAIDEN: A new global research consortium established to combat the rising burden of fatty liver disease
MAIDEN, the METABOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE CONSORTIUM is a medical, patient and stakeholder confederation that spans the Asia Pacific region and comprises 146 key opinion leaders from 22 countries/administrative regions (as per MAY 2022). As well as these Asia Pacific clinical experts, this ground-breaking consortium is engaging globally with stakeholders worldwide.
The consortium will address the rising global impact of Metabolic (dysfunction)-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) on human health by fostering research partnerships across low, middle, and high resource settings and across various health systems environments.
Professor Jacob George, Chair of the Consortium, WIMR and the University of Sydney stated, “The MAIDEN network provides a unique opportunity to advance multidisciplinary research to reduce the health, economic, and societal burden of MAFLD. I am absolutely delighted to be working with such extraordinary and expert group of colleagues, regional centres and institutes across the world in this endeavour”.
“The network’s research will focus on pursuing excellence in liver research, the clinical practice of fatty liver disease, and will provide education to all those interested in MAFLD”. “The consortium in its charter will uphold and embed an evidence-based scientific approach that we expect will be acceptable to the 5 P’s (Patients, Physicians, Pharma, Policy makers and the Public)”, Professor Mohammed Eslam, WIMR and the University of Sydney added.
“I encourage everyone to join us on this journey to promote MAFLD awareness and to contribute to our goals and aspirations – a world in which now no one suffers from the consequences of MAFLD” concluded, Professor George Lau, Humanity and Health Medical Group, HKSAR, China.
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